A glass of wine each and some guitar music later we left.
Do you know that you can watch WGN on tv? We like to look at the weather report and be glad we're not in snowy, cold Chicago. Is this a small world or what?
Every morning I sip my coffee and gaze out the window towards the Botanic Garden and the red and yellow houses across the street. I usually see a donkey trotting by carrying sacks of soil led by an old man in a white hat. Will I miss him when I go back to Bissell Street?
Tomorrow will be a busy day: lecture on the dining table, Pepe Romero concert, and Saturday my friend Irma will arrive from Mexico City to spend the weekend. Undoubtedly we'll spend a lot of time talking and discussing politics, social issues, culture, having some tequilas, laughing, and reminiscing about our days in Chicago.
The writing continues and progress has been made. By the way - to all of you who wrote about walking, let me tell you: I love to walk. I walk in Chicago all the time, sometimes from my home to the Loop. But I prefer to do it on flat land and at sea level.
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