Friday, April 27, 2018

MORE RANDOM THOUGHTS (or not so random)

1. Reading Patricia Hampl's new book I discover she too has a complicated relationship with to-do lists and books started and deadlines. Her new publication, "The Art of the Wasted Life", is an eye-opening parade of feelings and thoughts about time and work and what to do when.

2. She writes "waste your life in order to find it." What she calls "waste" is actually "daydreaming" she says.

3. She writes about baby boomers - like her and me - who think they are young forever, petulant, and past ambition. Are we? Am I?

4. What the heck are hashtags (#) for? And why does everyone crowd their writing with them?

5. Sometimes - when I'm waiting for someone at a café - I half-wish they don't show up.

6. Hampl writes about Montaigne, considered the first essayist, and I think: essays in Spanish are ensayos: rehearsals, practice. Is that what we're doing? practicing for real life? rehearsing for the actual show?

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