"Journal writing is not about 'getting the job done'. It's not about writing more elegantly. It is about understanding better your own precious and complex existence as well as the world around you." - Stephanie Dowrick, Creative Journal Writing
"It takes courage to do what you want. Other people have a lot of plans for you."
- Joseph Campbell
"We do not write in order to be understood. We write in order to understand."
-Cecil Day-Lewis
"The journal...gives me the illusion that I can keep from losing each day. I can catch little bits of evidence on a page...a person, a marriage, well, at least a flower. Here's a petal, a kind of shorthand for the magnificence of the rose..." - Susan Woldridge, Fool's Gold
"I'm awfully scared that everyone who knows me as I always am will discover that I have another side, a finer and better side. I'm afraid they'll laugh at me, think I'm ridiculous and sentimental, not take me seriously." - Anne Frank
"All that energy we expend trying to keep things running right is not what's keeping things running right...your unconscious can't work when you're breathing down its neck."
- Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird
"For many days I lived without my drug, my secret vice, my diary. And then I found this: I could not bear the loneliness...joy was not necessarily in the south of France, mystery in Morocco, art of storytelling in Haiti only...but might spring from one's own self. I shall have to create it from within." - Anais Nin
"I love the outsets, despite the fear and uncertainty that attach to all beginnings...I have already begun a thousand lives this way." - Rainer Maria Rilke, Dairies of a Young Poet
"...my ghosts like to travel..." - Peter Gabriel
SATURDAY JUNE 14 from 1 to 5 pm
TO REGISTER GO TO http://www.newberry.org
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